What Are Solid Design Principles?

If you’ve been in the business for longer than five minutes, you have probably heard about solid design principles. What exactly are they and why is it so important to follow them? Keep reading to learn more!

Solid design principles – what are they?

Are you wondering what are solid design principles?

The solid design principles are a set of software design principles that were developed by Robert C. Martin in the early 2000s. The principles were initially introduced in his book, Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns, and Practices, and are intended to provide a solid foundation for object-oriented design. The principles are as follows:

  • Single responsibility: A class should have a single responsibility, and that responsibility should be clearly defined.
  • Open/closed: A class should be open for extension but closed for modification.
  • Liskov substitution: Derived classes should be substitutable for their base class.
  • Interface segregation: A class should not be required to implement an interface that it does not use.
  • Dependency inversion: A class should not depend on concrete classes, but rather should depend on abstractions.

what are solid design principles

Main advantages

Since you know what are solid design principles, it’s time to talk about their advantages:

  • They help to create more maintainable and robust code.
  • They can make code more readable and understandable.
  • They can make code more extensible and flexible.
  • They can make code more testable and easier to debug.

Learning what are solid design principles is the first step towards improving digital product development process and benefiting from all the advantages mentioned above.